September 10, 2024

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RV Refrigerator Benefits and Solutions

RV Refrigerator Benefits and Solutions

Without an RV refrigerator for your motor home, life on the road can be unnecessarily difficult. Living without refrigeration imposes many hardships, but thankfully today’s technology allows owners of all but the smallest travel trailers to install an RV fridge in their recreational vehicle. In this article I briefly discuss why you might need refrigeration for your RV, and the best type of appliance to choose.

With RV refrigerators on board, the frequent user gains a lot of benefits. Instead of having to cook every day – a tiresome and time consuming task – you can cut back to cooking just every two or three days. Your leftovers can be kept safely in the fridge for eating over the next couple of days.

Not only does this save on wasted food and extra chores, it can also result in more enjoyable meals. If you need to cook every day it is a chore you just want to get done as soon as possible. When you only cook every few days you are more likely to find yourself looking forward to it as a potential source of enjoyment. Accordingly you may find yourself spending extra time and effort to create special – and tastier – dishes!

The other obvious benefit to having an RV refrigerator in your motorhome is having chilled drinks available whenever you want them. Relaxing with a cold soda or beer, or perhaps a cold glass of wine can be a great way to enjoy an evening in your RV.

Clearly, an RV fridge is worth having, so let me address some of the more technical details. Many modern RVs come standard with built-in refrigeration; however some are delivered with simply an empty space where the fridge will go. This allows the customer to purchase the model they desire; or, as the more cynical may say, allows the manufacture to list a lower up-front price.

When installing or upgrading your RV fridge the most important factor to consider is where it will go. If there is a dedicated sport ready for it, then this is easy. If not you will have to carve out a place to install it.

Before making any purchases carefully measure the dimensions of the storage space that will be dedicated to the fridge. Any model you buy must fit in to that space – be sure to allow a little space around the sides for ventilation

While there are other options available, the best choice for an RV is a 3 way refrigerator. A 3 way fridge is an exceedingly versatile appliance. It can be powered from any of the following – mains power (for high end RV parks), propane gas (for rustic campgrounds) or 12v DC (when on the road).

Stick with a quality brand such as Norcold or Dometic, and any model you buy should be relatively reliable. If finances are an issue, consider purchasing a used RV refrigerator from a quality manufacturer rather than shopping a cheaper brand.